Block Types

Block Types

Block Types

  • Headers: Create headers, dividers and styled text for your app

  • Images: Insert images like an organizational logo or sponsor logo

  • Link: Create a visual link to an internal location within the app or an external location outside the app. These can span the whole screen width or can be placed in columns.

    1. List of Categories (internal): Direct users to a full list of all categories inside the app

    2. Calendar (internal): Direct users to your calendar of events or volunteer opportunities

    3. Map (internal): Direct users to a map view of all places inside the app

    4. People (internal): Direct users to a full list of users which includes search functionality

    5. Category (internal): Direct users to a specific category inside your app

    6. Activity (internal): Direct users to a specific action, place, or survey

    7. Surveys (internal): Direct users to a full list of all the surveys inside the app

    8. Activity Feed (internal): Direct users to the activity feed where they can post and comment to engage with other users.

    9. Websites (external): Direct users to your website, social media and more

    10. Email (external): Direct users to send an email, you may include the following fields: to, subject, description

    11. Phone Number (external): Direct users to call a phone number

  • Leaderboard: Allow users to see their rank and quickly see the leaderboard. (learn more about the leaderboard here)

  • Goals: Display goals your specified users should achieve. Please note, this feature will only appear based on goal settings. (learn more about goals here)

  • Challenges: Display announcements and highlight single activities. Please note, this feature will only appear for a user based on challenge settings. (learn more about challenges here)

  • Daily Polls: Ask poll questions to hear quickly form participants. Please note, this feature will only appear for a user based on poll settings. (learn more about daily polls here)

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