Table of Contents
During the Meeting
Key Impact Metric
Transferrable Components / User Needs
Baseline output and fulfillment of needs prior to MilkCrate
Identifying the First User
Team Work
Follow Up Email Structure
Requirements to proceed to Step 2
This meeting is to better understand the needs of your organization and your users needs. This will ensure we know all the different reasons a user will be logging into the app and plan for their implementation. Down the line we will review how to ensure your users are habitually using your app.
Starting point for metric to track What metric are you trying to change? What is its current status? Please provide both.
What components of your organization would you like to push to the platform? Make sure you start out with only a handful of changes at one time. Please have the customer answer Y/N and why.
Let's set up some baseline metrics to make comparisons of the quality of service before, the number of people impacted, and their satisfaction. What was your output the year prior for each of these components you intend to transfer?
This past year we planned for and delivered [EducationHours] material to [Number][Stakeholder] with [% who completed]. Their over all satisfaction was [Rating]. It took our staff approximately [Number] hours to properly plan and deliver the information.
This past year we planned for and delivered [Number of Event][Event Type] to [Number][Stakeholder] with [% who completed]. Their overall satisfaction was [Rating]. It took our staff approximately [Number] hours to properly plan and deliver this information.
This past year we planned for and delivered [Number][Metric]s with the help of [Number][Stakeholder A]s for [Number][Stakeholder B]s. With [Number] new [Stakeholder A]s and [Number] returning [Stakeholder A]s we helped [Number] new [Stakeholder B]s and [Number] returning [Stakeholder B]s. It took our staff approximately [Number] hours to properly plan and deliver these opportunities.
This past year our [Number][Stakeholder]s submitted [Number] entries. Of those [% of whole] were [Metric A], [% of whole] were [Metric B] and so on. With [Number] new [Stakeholder]s and [Number] returning. It took our staff approximately [Number] of hours to properly request and reflect on these entries.
This past year our team initiatved [Number] of social interactions with our [Stakeholder] which resulted in [Number] of positive responses. Without prompting we saw [Number] interactions take place within the app conducted by [Number] of [Stakeholder]s. About [%] of active [Stakeholders] are active socially in our community.
This past year out of the [Number][Stakeholders] who started we had [%]...
+complete [Learning Materials]
+attend [Number] of {Event Type]
+hit at least [Number] of [Volunteering]
+submit over [Number] of entries
+participate in over [Number] times in the community
Based on the components you seek to implement first, who is your user? Do the components you seek to push to the platform reflect all of their needs?
Who are they?
What are they typically doing when they are interacting with your organization?
How will the app fit into their life?
Where do they live?
What do they like?
What do they hate?
What are their cultural references?
What are their social references?
What is their work environment like?
What do they expect from the app?
How does it fit with their other goals?
Does anything stress them out?
How will your team work together to transfer this content and experience to the app? Who will work on what parts? Is there content that needs to be made or only content that needs to be transfered. We also need someone to take charge of the developer accounts.
Please include App Store POC, Contract/Financial POC, & Content POCs
After the meeting is finished please send an email to the customer that includes
Here is an example...
Be sure the customer has been given access to their community. Learn how to create a community here.