How to properly categorize a customer inquiry/ticket

How to properly categorize a customer inquiry/ticket


Table of Contents




Sometimes it can be challenging to identify when a customer asks a question about the platform the next steps. Below is an outline of potential questions a customer could ask and how to categorize the inquiry. 

Category Explanation A customer asks something along the lines of...
Platform Bug Bugs are an error, flaw, or fault in a computer program that causes it to produce an incorrect or unintended result. This looks like a frozen screen or an app crash.  Sometimes customers will tell you how the platform should work but that doesn't mean it's a bug. 

My app or admin isn't working the same as it was before.

I am unable to [fill in the blank] anymore.

Platform Idea A feature request is when a customer wishes the platform functioned in a specific way that is not yet possible. Sometimes it even sounds like they are demanding the platform to work a certain way. 

The platform should really be able to...

Is it possible for...

General Inquiry A customer has an issue with understanding how the platform works and just needs a little bit of assistance or point in the right direction. 

I'm confused about...

Is it possible for...

Billing Issue Customers are bound to have questions about their bills. We charge customers an initial set up fee and a monthly fee. Other fees could incur for additional services.

My bill doesn't make sense...

Why am I being charged for...

Home Screen Block Change The home screen of our apps are comprised of blocks customers can choose to add, remove, or request visual alterations.

I'd like to edit my home screen...

New Customer Sales will send an email introducing the new customer to the support team.


Category Group Change Our Master Admin has category groups that do not really impact the rest of the app at this time but can be utilized for internal organization.


Data Request Our platform has some chart functionality (which would be a general inquiry) but for anything more complicated we use an API to visualize the data in Data Studio.  This is typically an additional fee.

I would like to see....

How can I find out if....

Design Request Some customers may need assistance in designing category icons, goal icons, and app store branding. This is typically an additional fee.

I don't have a designer on hand...

Customer Meeting Recap After a support representative has met with a customer there are some follow-up tasks that must be completed


Landing Page After a customer is live in the app stores our team (free of charge) will assist the customer in getting a landing page live on their website for the app.

My team is struggling with marketing...

Paid Development Inquiry A customer has agreed they would like to see pricing for an idea they had for the platform.

I would like to see this change happen to the platform immediately...

Other Misc. 





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