Table of Contents
Watch a snippet from a past webinar
Apple Release Instructions
Google Play Release Instructions
Your organization is responsible for pushing updates live to your users. Please follow the guide below to update your app for both the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store
Update Expiration: Apple requires us to delete updates that have not been released to your audience in order to submit a new update. If you do not update your app within 3 weeks you are required to wait until the next release goes through review and approval.
Required Update: We do require all customers to update at least quarterly.
Click on My Apps (or use the following link)
Click on your app
Press the blue button in the top right-hand corner which says ‘Release This Version’
Click on your app.
Click on the Release management and then App releases.
Hit the manage button under Production Track.*
Hit the Create Release button.
Add From Library the most recent version of the platform.
Edit What’s new in this release to say ‘New features and bug fixes’.
Hit save and then review.
IGNORE SEVERE WARNINGS this just means the old app is going to be deactivated and go ahead and hit the Start Roll-Out to Production button.
* If you created an Alpha version for internal testing you can click manage under Alpha and press the blue Release to Production button to produce the same results.