Step 8: Tracking / Evaluating/ Maintaining

Step 8: Tracking / Evaluating/ Maintaining

Table of Contents

Process Improvement

Evaluating your use case success

HEART framework for overall app health

App Maintenance

What tasks does your team have to do and how frequently to keep the app running?

Process Improvement

How has your organization's process changed? Is it more efficient? Does all your content now rest in the same location?

Evaluating your Use Case Success

Let's set up some baseline metrics to make comparisons of the quality of service before, the number of people impacted, and their satisfaction. What was your output the year prior for each of these components you intend to transfer? Take the components from above and provide baseline metrics you have seen in the past. 


This past year we planned for and delivered [EducationHours] material to [Number][Stakeholder] with [% who completed]. Their over all satisfaction was [Rating]. It took our staff approximately [Number] hours to properly plan and deliver the information.


This past year we planned for and delivered [Number of Event][Event Type] to [Number][Stakeholder] with [% who completed]. Their overall satisfaction was [Rating]. It took our staff approximately [Number] hours to properly plan and deliver this information.


This past year we planned for and delivered [Number][Metric]s with the help of [Number][Stakeholder A]s for [Number][Stakeholder B]s. With [Number] new [Stakeholder A]s and [Number] returning [Stakeholder A]s we helped [Number] new [Stakeholder B]s and [Number] returning [Stakeholder B]s. It took our staff approximately [Number] hours to properly plan and deliver these opportunities.


This past year our [Number][Stakeholder]s submitted [Number] entries. Of those [% of whole] were [Metric A], [% of whole] were [Metric B] and so on. With [Number] new [Stakeholder]s and [Number] returning. It took our staff approximately [Number] of hours to properly request and reflect on these entries.


This past year our team initiated [Number] of social interactions with our [Stakeholder] which resulted in [Number] of positive responses. Without prompting we saw [Number] interactions take place within the app conducted by [Number] of [Stakeholder]s. About [%] of active [Stakeholders] are active socially in our community.


This past year out of the [Number][Stakeholders] who started we had [%]...

+complete [Learning Materials]

+attend [Number] of {Event Type]

+hit at least [Number] of [Volunteering]

+submit over [Number] of entries

+participate in over [Number] times in the community




HEART Metrics Framework

Happiness, Engagement, Adoption, Retention, Task Success

Below is an example of how to use the HEART framework. The app is Uber for Spiked Lemonade.



What do you want to happen?


What is the thing we need to measure?


A signal expressed over time. This is the thing you watch


How many interested users have actually tried your product?

Maximize the number of people who order at least 1 glass of spiked lemonade.

- # of users who order at least 1 glass of spiked lemonade

- # of users that have downloaded and opened the app

- % of new users -> customers (# new users that order/ # people that have opened the app)

Task Success

How successful are you at allowing users to perform the most valuable task?

Minimize # of abandoned carts AND Maximize the # of users that successfully complete an order within 5 minutes

- Incomplete orders

- Time taken to place each order, from app start to success screen

- Average time to checkout

- % of orders incomplete per month


How engaged is your user in the short term?

Maximize # of orders and total value of the orders (through add-ons like additional shots in the lemonade or extra fast delivery)

- # of orders per customer

- Order value in dollars per customer

- Average order value in dollars per day

- Average # of orders per day per user


How many users do you retain long term?

Maximize the % of users that return and place a repeat order on a monthly basis

- People that order spiked lemonade & time periods

- Retained users (# of people ordering this month divided by the # of those same people that ordered last month)


How happy is your user?

Maximize drinker satisfaction with our spiked lemonade and the delivery service

- App store rating

- Scores from the NPS survey sent to customers

- App store rating change, month over month

- % of perfect 10NPS

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